Thursday, 20 December 2007
Posted by Karen Wallace at 14:58 1 comments
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Christmas Around The World
Posted by Karen Wallace at 16:12 2 comments
Monday, 17 December 2007
Part 3 Designer Competition....... Vote now!
Here we are again for part three of the Designer Competition at Digital Scrap Garden. I must admit i really struggled to get this one done ,I have been away most of the week with going to hospital to take my mum into see Ken and have not been getting in till 9 or 10 pm each night. Normally i would catch up with Computer stuff like this at the weekend but i was out the whole weekend so i was up till 3 am over sat and sunday trying to get this done. I had no idea where i was going with it ,till it was done But i am really quite happy with it. I am rubbish at Preview's but i think this turned out reasonably well. I hope that you think so too and would love for you to vote.
....................................................Here are the Links for Christmas Future kit.......................................

Posted by Karen Wallace at 14:45 0 comments
Sunday, 16 December 2007
BUY Christmas Kit get papers FREE
you can get the papers FREE by using this coupon CT-CHkw2 at Checkout.
Just add both to your Cart and add the coupon to the box, and it will take the
price of the papers off your total.
Paper pack HERE Element pack HERE and Free Sample HERE

Posted by Karen Wallace at 12:01 0 comments
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Badddddd Day.... But got a FREEBIE for you.
I am amazed at how Many people are visiting my blog and it's really wonderful to see all the comments.
I have had such a bad day.... last couple of days actually , My mum's partner got rushed to hospital yesterday with a blood clot in his leg and they were supose to opperate today, But they found out that his blood isn't right and they think he may have had a heart attack, So until they do more tests they can't opperate. We think they plan on doing it tomorrow. To top it all off, one of our Ragdoll cats got out yesterday and was missing all day and night , They are not use to being out as they are house cats , we were worried that he had got lost but couldn't do anything about it.... but wait to see if he would come home, He did ! My mum woke up through the night and there he was early hours of the morning asleep at the bottom of her bed.
It doesn't end there , I went to work this morning , I left the house at the same time as my Son Jason, he saw me leave and lock the house up and he went to school and i drove to kirkcaldy about 15 miles away i think. I then got a phone call from Jason's School saying that he didn't turn up for school today. This was 9.30am he had gone to school 45 mins ago and i live just over the wall from his school, It would take him less than a minute to get into the school gate from my house. I started to panic as he has never done that before and he is only 7 yrs old. I phoned my mum and she said she hadn't seen him, So i phoned her house telling him to pick up if he was there as he would hear the answer machine. He wasn't there. i called the school back and told them he wasn't there and i was on my way home, They were going to call the police but will wait till i got back , I hadn't even got in the car and they called saying they found him. he was outside the gates at the wall just standing there. He had tried to go back home for his money that he had left by accident and i wasn't there so he was basically in the huff and didn't go in school. I was really upset and angry as he had given us all a real fright, My mum had come home to make sure he hadn't climbed in the dog flap as he can get in that way , so she had left work to see if he was there and i had to drive all the way back home to talk to him and his teacher because he had not come into school. Then i had to drive all the way back to work again... Why do kids always do things when you are not at home. I think i must have aged 10 years between today and yesterday.
While i was unable to sleep over the last couple of days i made a new kit and made a freebie ADDon as well for you all.
Here is the preview of my new kit that will be in store Tomorrow with 25% off for the first two days. I will add link when it goes in store but you can see it in my Store HERE.
Here is the freebie ADD on to the kit as well. I think these turned out quite sweet, I hope that you enjoy them and all i ask in return is for you to leave a little love. I LOVE to get comments :)
Posted by Karen Wallace at 13:03 16 comments
Monday, 10 December 2007

I hope that you will fine something to do with these bits. Here is the Link to the Christmas Around the world Blog. Check it out for Many Many more kit's .
Here is my Round TWO contribution to the Designing Competition at Digital ScrapGarden
Click HERE to go see Previews of kits to Vote on....Thanks!
I would Really Love for you to check it out and vote . There are also a few free kits from round one to pick up as well.

Posted by Karen Wallace at 01:31 29 comments
I Have aload of new stuff coming to the store this Tuesday, A New Christmas kit that has some Gorgeous Elements in it , You really don't want to miss this one. Here are a few Previews of them. Aren't they stunning. I had such fun making this kit, I could have went on and on but run out of time if i wanted it in store on Tuesday.
Well HERE is the link to get this kit in store Now. it is on sale for the next two days so GRAB it before it goes up to Full price.
Papers HERE , Elements HERE
Posted by Karen Wallace at 01:25 0 comments
Posted by Karen Wallace at 01:21 0 comments
Sunday, 2 December 2007
This is most of the items you will be getting by collecting them every day at TSG Blog , A few i couldn't get on so they will be surprize's :)
I am also doing a special.... Every day where one kit in my store will be selling for $2.00 for the next 24 hours, so don't forget to check back each day and get your freebie and great deal for the day.
Thats it for today.
Posted by Karen Wallace at 04:01 1 comments
Saturday, 1 December 2007

Posted by Karen Wallace at 01:42 1 comments
Well i have a NEW Commercial Grab bag in the Store now
you really don't want to miss this bag as there are 5 Brand New products in this bag and
1 special product that will be worth buying on its own, And will be worth more than the full Grab bag is when it goes in store. So grab it now before it's to late.
Get it HERE
Posted by Karen Wallace at 01:37 0 comments